Facebook is evil.
I know so many people who have their lives ruined by Facebook.
I watch my coworkers checking it non stop. It becomes an addiction for a lot of people. Kind of like this forum has been for me.I have been in vacation mode at the house waiting for snow. To much time on my hands.
John if you decide to do this, please dont exclusively post info on your FB site. Also post it on this site.
There already is one but it was not set up by John.
Yea, I was thinking of something like this...
Was it setup without John's approval?
Not to go way off topic but how is book face evil and how has it ruined people's lives? I have heard numerous cases where FB has exposed indiscretions or lapses in judgement that impact a persons life, usually negatively, but that is not the fault of FB.
I guess the first thing folks need to realize is that while the site is my passion, it is also a second job. I spend a minimum of 3-4 hours a day working on it and some days as much as 8 hours. So to justify the time I spend on it and take away from my other paying business, I need to have the website generate income. To do that, you have the advertising on the site. The amount of ad revenue is determined largely by the number of visitors to the site. So putting things like the forecasts on Facebook, would draw visitors away from the site and to FB, thus it would be like me giving FB money for free. Last I checked, they seem to have no shortage of money over there.
Plus, I don't really understand what the advantage to having any of the site content on FB would be anyway. It is just as easy to type in johndee.com than it is faceboook.com
All the info is right here, well laid out and easy to view.
So I guess there are no plans to put any of the site content on FB. You will all just have to keep coming here for all the content. Hope everyone understands.
I think the "Company" style profile is a good idea. I actually do not do much with Facebook, even my own personal account, but I know someone that is quite well versed in Facebook. So I have made her (Nora) the new VP in charge of Social Networking Strategy for JohnDee.com! Look for the profile soon!