Vintage sled is what you need now sure wish I had 1!
I can fix ya up
Nice machine slimcake. I'm actually looking for one of these, myself.
I used to have a neighbor that had a nice one with a bad motor in his garage. I offered to buy it but he wanted to fix it and keep it. The last I heard he had put it behind his garage. Now its covered with leaves and its rotting away. Sad.
Have run into so many people like that - drives me crazy. Saw a couple of these in a salvage yard yesterday (and one Massey, I think). Probably beyond the "save-able" stage though. Also, bearrassler, saw at least one Herters, maybe two. The gold one didn't look too bad.
I have a 77 sno-jet coming. From what I understand it is in real nice shape. I'll post some pics when I receive it.