Team Kesslers 2nd Annual Snodeo/Twin Spar show-- Jan14th


New member
Recruiting all Twin Spar riders!! With last year's success, we are bringing back the 2nd annual TK Twin Spar Show! Bring your sleds to Mass City, MI on January 14th for the TwinSpar Qualifier. Staging will begin at 6pm with show starting at 7pm EST. TwinSpars will be judged on stock appearance, modifications, and performance.

No fees to join but we ask that you pre-register using the hash tag #TwinSpar on @teamkesslers twitter account. You can also email us at

This years winner gets a special TK commemorative prize! Good luck to all contestants!
To stiffen the spar competition...Trees 4 Traction will be giving a special trophy the person whos sled ends up with the most carnage OR the best twin spar stunt! which ever comes first!


I will be running a straight stinger for the braap can contest on the 800R. I found that the MBRP is just not loud enough. I would give you a decible estimate, but it broke my decible meter last night.

I am also really looking forward to the Twin Sparring!


Well-known member
secret spots

hey cuz there arn't any left around mass , if theres 1 track then there will be 20, i used to brake trail into my budys camp now it's so packed i can drive my truck in


New member
I still gotta get you out to my super duper ubber secret favorite riding area in the western UP. =)
Have I been there? Give us a clue? North or south of the bug bar? email me if it is the "Super, duper, only for in the looper" spot. I also suggest a trade with Skylar, One good spot for another.


Well-known member
hey cuz there arn't any left around mass , if theres 1 track then there will be 20, i used to brake trail into my budys camp now it's so packed i can drive my truck in

This spot is never touched... hence the secret.

Have I been there? Give us a clue? North or south of the bug bar? email me if it is the "Super, duper, only for in the looper" spot. I also suggest a trade with Skylar, One good spot for another.

I like that idea. I'll trade Skylar for a spot. I won't show this spot to many so.... You haven't been there.