chunk06's latest activity

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    chunk06 reacted to bayfly's post in the thread Marquette March 4 - 7 with Like Like.
    Several weeks ago, I planned a camping/Snowmobile Trip with my oldest sister and her husband. Neither of them had ridden sleds in many...
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    chunk06 reacted to Hoosier's post in the thread Rumored - Arctic Cat has been bought with Like Like.
    I spent about 10 years in the business finance restructuring world. Mostly with privately held companies with debt problems. Often...
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    chunk06 reacted to indy_500's post in the thread Been a rough month with Like Like.
    Well, the insurance check was burning a hole in the ole pocket. Picked up this used 24 Blizzard 600r 129” for the missus for a smoking...
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    chunk06 reacted to pclark's post in the thread There is life! with Like Like.
    I drove by the Ye Olde Shelleighle today and saw that the building is up. Talked to Craig the owner for a bit and he mentioned opening...
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    chunk06 replied to the thread Calumet County.
    Looks like a good ride. I probably should have followed my intuition and went that way, win some lose some. We did 100 miles yesterday...
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    chunk06 replied to the thread Calumet County.
    I was trying to talk my wife into going east of Winnebago but we did not know a good place to stay for a night. I knew it would be good...
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    chunk06 reacted to indy_500's post in the thread Calumet County with Like Like.
    Does nobody ride here? Spent the last 2 days racking up 180 miles of perfection. Trails on the west side of the Fox valley and west side...
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    chunk06 replied to the thread Dream sled, keep erno?.
    If you own it without a payment and do it have any bad debt just keep it.
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    Looking to do a day trip Friday and considering Adams County. The Travel WI website makes it sound decent but surrounding counties are...
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    Sorry to hear your frustrations. I based out of Tomahawk from Fri-Sat. We left Saturday around 4pm. I was actually the only...
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    chunk06 reacted to indy_500's post in the thread Been a rough month with Like Like.
    Yep, urban sprawl really limits where kids can ride anything nowadays, not to mention Karen’s calling kids in if they see anything but a...
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    chunk06 replied to the thread Been a rough month.
    I have a daughter that will be old enough to ride next year and i'm not ready for it because I fear the same outcome or worse. I have no...
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    chunk06 reacted to gary_in_neenah's post in the thread A Sunday Morning 60 miler with Like Like.
    Like most of us, if you have a chance to ride locally, you take it. I made a quick rip Sunday morning in Winnebago and Outagamie...
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    chunk06 reacted to wiscrev's post in the thread The Last Yamaha with Like Like.
    Don't know the man's name, they had him on the fone at the Snowmobile Hall of Fame Banquet tonight. He said he'd been riding Yamahas...
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    only 190 miles. Sad thing is on a usual year with this cold I could be out on my local lake and river, with the odd ice conditions this...