Recent content by dfattack

  1. dfattack

    Happy Birthday indy_500

    Happy Birthday!
  2. dfattack

    Marquette March 4 - 7

    What timing! Looked like a lot of fun, great trails and a meal at the UP north lodge. All sounded great except the camping part :geek:
  3. dfattack

    Daylight Savings; Opinion Poll

    Took the words right out of my mouth. EXACTLY
  4. dfattack

    Rumored - Arctic Cat has been bought

    I wasn’t asking based on tariffs. Just in general. I’ve known CF Moto to be a Chinese company.
  5. dfattack

    Rumored - Arctic Cat has been bought

    Isn't CF Moto chinese owned? If so, I hope Cat is american owned
  6. dfattack

    Happy Birthday mikes99ss

    Must of missed this. Happy Birthday Mike!
  7. dfattack

    3 Old Guys; Daily Update

    Really enjoying these posts Gary
  8. dfattack

    Rumored - Arctic Cat has been bought

    I say everyone here on JD gets together combines our millions :p and puts in an offer to buy Cat. We can then create a special edition "john Dee" version. I'm sure everyone on here has something to offer, legal, shop tuning, marketing, plant maintenance. Of and by sled people. What do you think?
  9. dfattack

    Quebec Destination

    Half way from me is Toronto. No issues with me crossing border with my trailer. Have done it several times. I would not trailer across this country without plates as I believe different states have different requirements let alone a different country. I do have a nexus card so this may make...
  10. dfattack

    Quebec Destination

    I haven't been there since before covid. I really don't know but I'm sure you could call to ask
  11. dfattack

    Quebec Destination

    I didn't want to hijack the 3 old guys thread. If I head to Quebec this is where I'm staying. It's a nice hotel for sure but the website makes it look slightly better than what it is. What's great about it is you can rent sleds onsite, huge parking for trailers, inside parking garage (heated)...
  12. dfattack

    Has the Fat Lady begun to sing?

    We had them in Chicago area two weeks ago! So weird
  13. dfattack

    Vilas County

    I'm starting to plan a trip out west or Quebec for next winter if this happens again. No way I'm waiting for "good snow" and then have the season taken away. I know some have been riding areas that were great in the U.P. this season but at the same time I was hearing about tons of traffic and...
  14. dfattack

    Vilas County

    I’m planning on heading up either way this weekend/early next week for about a week to check on the house and really was hoping go get some seat time in. Now I’m not sure about the seat time part