Recent content by old abe

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    Oneida County 2-24-25

    attakman, I for one absolutely hope you will stay pat, and keep doing exactly what you have always done. I get your frustration. Your expertise, and a few others, honest, real trail, and the real weather conditions are valued greatly, and are the reports that are greatly appreciated by many of...
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    Happy Birthday indy_500

    Have a super Happy Birthday indy! 🎂 And here's to many more! As the years will start to pass by faster now that you're of that age. o_O
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    Oneida County 2-24-25

    Spot on perfect euphoric! It all adds up, but the poor winter, low, no snow riding areas is the absolute killer. We've been chasing 40 some years.
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    Daylight Savings; Opinion Poll

    X2, I'm with you euphoric! Pretty much grown with it and it's never bothered me one bit. There are far more important things to worry, and fret over, such as windmills, solar, EV's, etc.
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    3 Old Guys; Daily Update

    That's absolutely perfect garageguy! No BS about that!
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    3 Old Guys; Daily Update

    I'm all in on that mix wiscrev, just like my mom made them! And gary, you and wife Ruth Ann, seem to be just as Kathe, and I with refrigerator pickles! :) I plant, grow, and pick em. Kathe, and granddaughter Maddie do the two different kinds of pickling. Relatives, and friends rave for them...
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    Oneida County 2-24-25

    Perfect attakman! As they say, 'There is no fix for stupid!'
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    Northwoods back pain doctor: need recommendations

    Spot on mezz, my chiro said the same,and I no longer needed him. ;) As I try to remember, I believe you, whitedust, and several others on JD convinced me to give a inversion table a try. Many thanks for that advice, and it was also recommended to go with a Teeter table. It's been absolutely all...
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    Northwoods back pain doctor: need recommendations

    Perhaps you look into Inversion tables. Some people on here, JD, years ago suggested it to me. My wife ordered a Teeter inversion table as was recommended for me. It turned out to be a absolute godsend for me. Upper, lower, sciatica, and neck pain, stiffness problems all alleviated. Did me more...
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    Your "Bucket List"...

    euphoric1, bag trips, vagabonding, winging it were, and hopefully will still be the best part of our snowmobile years. Where ever it be! Long haul, big mile Canadian trips have always topped our favorites list. Go for it.
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    Rumored - Arctic Cat has been bought

    Bravo, Kudos to UWP!
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    Rumored - Arctic Cat has been bought

    Yes heckler, scandalous bankruptcies really do happen. And perhaps all too often?
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    Vilas County

    Used to be able to ride the 3rd week in March every year in the Yoop. My sons spring break while at Ia. State was always the 3rd week in March, and we rode every year. :)
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    Rumored - Arctic Cat has been bought

    Hoosier, I absolutely agree on the pressure, and deadlines forcing the moves. My one time employer, 30 years worth of my life, went thru a orchestrated, planned BS&L's, federal bankruptcy. All of it in the family interests only. Thank god, the pressure of the judge, laws, and court deadlines...
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    Rumored - Arctic Cat has been bought

    Well, well, Hoosier, I'm all in with how SG'er explained things. Perhaps I'm wishful thinking, however, I can buy that. But there is one piece to this puzzle that has been completely missing, and still is in my notion? The St. Cloud engine manufacturing facility! No mention anywhere on the...