600 Pro rmk 155 has 1828 miles comes with underhood defrost bag, under seat bag, also have extra set of side panels, clutch weights and extra quick drive belt. $4400 or obo sleds located in southern Wisconsin text for pictures 630-699-2161
Heading to mass city area on Thursday coming back Sunday. Ive got a crew cab chevy HD so if anybodies looking to head north I can pull a trailer. Looking to share a ride.
Live in bolingbrook heading to the up 20-22 anyone interested? staying at my deer camp just outside mass city.
I drive a crew cab diesel so I've got room if anyone's interested.
It can be done two bolts hold the tank and two bolts hold the seat. You'll need to make a wedge for under the back of the seat because the edge chassis has a pitched up tunnel where as the genII has a straight tunnel I put one one on my wedge chassis last year but I have a modified tunnel. You...
This summer i'am putting a custom built 151" tunnel onto my 98xc wedge chassis. To go with the tunnel i'am putting a 151" skid from an 01 gen2 rmk along with a 151" x 2" track so i will post some pictures of the progress over the summer.