Daylight Savings; Opinion Poll


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Here's your chance to post your opinion on Daylight Savings Time. Should we keep it? Keep the same time year around? Likes & Dislikes.



Active member
Keep DST or go year around DST, I don't care. But no Standard time year around. I like the late evenings in summer.

But for those of you too young to remember when it was done in 1974 as a way to potentially save electricity useage, it was discontinued because kids were on their way to school in the dark & I believe a few got hit by cars.

The world is gojng to hell and all people have to bitch about is this? How do they possibly travel across time zones voluntarily? What about those such as Yoopers that probably deal with it twice a day?


Active member
And for what it's worth, we used to turn the clocks in April & October. That's been every bit of 20 years ago. So back then we extended DST?


Well-known member
Doesn't bother, me keep it the way it is, don't really understand all these supposed "health effects" its causes, go to bed an hour earlier or get up an hour earlier.


Well-known member
Keep DST or go year around DST, I don't care. But no Standard time year around. I like the late evenings in summer.

But for those of you too young to remember when it was done in 1974 as a way to potentially save electricity useage, it was discontinued because kids were on their way to school in the dark & I believe a few got hit by cars.

The world is gojng to hell and all people have to bitch about is this? How do they possibly travel across time zones voluntarily? What about those such as Yoopers that probably deal with it twice a day?
Id that for 2 years when I lived in Bergland. Not too bad. Just think, you could ring the New Year in on the north side of Lake Gogebic and then head south and ring it in again, lol! Wife worked in Wakefield and adjusted well to the time difference. On the longest day, it was daylight until almost midnight!


Well-known member
Id that for 2 years when I lived in Bergland. Not too bad. Just think, you could ring the New Year in on the north side of Lake Gogebic and then head south and ring it in again, lol! Wife worked in Wakefield and adjusted well to the time difference. On the longest day, it was daylight until almost midnight!
back in the day used to do the celebrate New Years twice on Gogebic, those were the days LOL


Well-known member
Living in the UP now compared to the Wisconsin/ Illinois border where in the summer days are even longer and in winter days are shorter now that I’m retired and don’t have to drive to work in the dark I really hate the winter change and it’s dark by 4:15 to 4:30ish in December and first couple weeks of January. Would rather not have the change and leave it like the summer.


Well-known member
I'm sick of spring forward fall back, keep the time the same year round. In the end, daylight hours are essentially the same. It's just a matter of earlier morning or late evening light. Mother nature dictates the length of sun, not the clock.


Well-known member
I don't really care one way or another but not sure how much fun it would for kids to have to go to school in the pitch black of night. You wouldn't see any daylight until around 9 in some areas. I personally like the daylight in the morning on my way to work. Starting Monday I will be heading to work in the dark again for about 3 weeks.

old abe

Well-known member
Doesn't bother, me keep it the way it is, don't really understand all these supposed "health effects" its causes, go to bed an hour earlier or get up an hour earlier.
X2, I'm with you euphoric! Pretty much grown with it and it's never bothered me one bit. There are far more important things to worry, and fret over, such as windmills, solar, EV's, etc.