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  1. B

    lost I phone UP

    A guy in our group lost his I phone last Friday the 4th. We were riding out of Land O Lakes into the UP and north. If found, throw out a post and I'll let him know. It's a long shot but worth a try!
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    Adams County WI conditions

    With these trails opening today, looking to trailer to this area tomorrow. I am realistic that we will find early season conditions and not looking for big miles, just a warm up before heading up north in 2 weeks.. If anyone rides this area today, I'd like to get a report before we drive 2...
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    How to keep sledders on trail?

    I belong to the Oaks Ridge Riders club in Roscoe, IL. We are small town of 10k and small club. We have issues with riders ignoring trail through town and just riding where they want, in essence the shortest path to the bar of their choice. We could shut trail down but this doesn't change...
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    Unique experiences riding with your spouse?

    Was reading another thread and for some reason this experience came to mind. Back in 1990, my wife and I were doing a honeymoon snowmobile trip on the Gunflint Trail in Norhern Minn (originally we were going to the FL Keys, talked her into buying snowmobiles instead, what a woman!). I think it...
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    Riding after spinal fusion?

    I am facing surgery to fix my lower back issue. From what I am told, fusion of the L4 L5 region is the only fix to my problem after other efforts failing. I'll limit the detail, only saying my sciatic nerve in the right leg is causing blow torch pain after only a short distance of walking. I...
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    Northern IL trails

    Not to be a downer, but if you live in northern IL , please stay off the trails if we get the snow forecasted. They are only partially in and there are still crops in the fields. Any damage done gets charged to local clubs (we had to payout last year). Until all the crops are out and all...