Search results

  1. M

    Ski-Doo break light questions?? Help!

    Everything was fine when I put sled in the trailer on Wednesday. Today I get sled out and the break light isn't working. Plus the little red light on the tach doesn't come on when the brake lever is pulled like it should. I looked at the bulb and it doesn't look bad, but that doesn't mean it...
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    Northwoods compared to Northern Midwest??

    Hi John, great site. I read your forecast text everyday. You often give weather details specific to the "northwoods" and the "northern Midwest" in the same forecast. I know what the northern Midwest encompasses but what do you consider "the northwoods"? Is there a highway or latitudinal line...
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    Looking for House to Rent - Marquette County

    Relocating to the U.P. to take a position with Cliffs Nat. Res. (Cleveland-Cliffs) Looking for a house to rent in Marquette County. Starting around 3-1-11. 3+ bedroom / 1 1/2+ bath with garage. Will look at in town or country setting. Non-smoking couple with 2 kids. No pets Past landlord...
  4. M

    How to prime an F7 oil pump???

    Had to change the oil tank and supply line on an '03 F7. I have put 5 gal. of pre-mix in the gas tank. How do I prime the oil pump? I understand there is a bleeder screw on the pump but how is it done. Running or not? Any help is appreciated. Thanks..
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    Cliff's Natural Resources???

    Just wondering if there are any other people on the JD forum that were at the testing session in Marquette on November 6th. If so, has anyone heard anything from Cliff's yet?
  6. M

    What's this trailer worth??

    Realistically? What do you guys think this is worth. 2004 Bearcat - 8' wide - 12' box plus 4' V nose - 5' ceiling height. All aluminum - except door hinges!! Larger 20.5" tires. One small dent in rear door.
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    Todays pictures from Strongs, MI!!!!
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    John Dee @ Novi Snow Show???

    John will you be at the Novi Snow Show this year??
  9. M

    Hey Cat Man Mike!!!!!?????

    Did anyone out there see the Wings NHL team play the Hawks NHL team???? The Wings again only won by one goal, but I really think getting the W is more important than by how many goals it was attained with. Yes it is going to be a long season. 82 games plus the playoffs is a long season for any...
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    Signatures and Avatars???

    John, Is there a reason the uploading pictures to our signature line and the avatar options are diabled? Is it something that will come in time or do you just not want that kind of stuff being done on your site? Thanks, Mike
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    2001 Cat Z370 Problem - Help!!!

    Have a 2001 Cat Z370 and it looses a cylinder at idle. The compression numbers are within a pound on both sides. The carb and jets are clean. I changed the caps on the plug wires and there is great spark on both sides at idle. I just dont get it, if you give it gas it comes back and runs...