Search results

  1. 0

    Proctor, Cloquet, Duluth NE

    Does anyone have any trail reports or a good website for the area W of Duluth? A friend of mine in Proctor said they have 18”. I’ve never snowmobiled in MN since my cabin is in Wisconsin, we usually chase snow in Michigan. Also, does MN require an out of state trail pass? Thanks for the...
  2. 0

    Nw Wisconsin 12/18 and 12/19

    I'm leaving in the morning to break in the trails. I'm open to both Bayfield, valhalla or Hurley areas. I ride a 1200 renegade. Let me know if anyone wants to hook up and ride.
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    Trailer Enclosures

    I have a V-nose drive on drive off trailer that I want to have enclosed. I'd prefer an Aluminum enclosure. Has anyone added an after market to their existing trailer? Any companies within 2 hours of Minneapolis? Approximate cost?
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    Navigation Hook up

    I have a Garmin Nuvi 360. (Just purchased the trail map chip) I purchased the handlebar mounting kit and I have the cigarette adapter. The battery life is terrible so I'm looking to wire a plug-in on my 1200 Renegade. I also need to wire a plug for a heated shield. Can anyone give me advice...
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    2/15 through 2/18 Looking for Riders

    My last appointment is at 10 a.m. on Wednesday in Minneapolis. I plan to drive to my cabin in Wisconsin, grab my sled and find snow in the UP. If anyone is looking for a riding partner let me know. My married buddies can't escape during the week. I will travel as far as Twin Lakes to find...