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  1. S

    To cold for snow ?

    I think it may be to cold and dry for the snow to accumulate very much next 4-5 days. I remember this happening other times when the temp falls below 10 degrees. I am referring to the lake effect snow belts in the UP
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    if lake didn't freeze

    You gotta think if lake superior didn't freeze over the keweenaw would be at 300 inches of snow already.
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    snow totals on eastern shore of lake superior

    Anyone know of where you can find snow totals on the eastern shore of lake superior in Ontario? Considering there is such a long fetch across lake superior.
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    snow in keweenaw

    winter storm watch just posted for the keweenaw. In about 4 or 5 days from now we could very easily have 2 feet of freshsnow here in the keweenaw,also looks like the keweenaw will be one of the only areas with alot of fresh snow to by next week sometime only time will tell i guess.
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    winter storm this week

    The way the winter is going i bet this storm will track further to the west and north then they expect. I hope it goes further to the west. I bet it will just a thought
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    lake effect snow in the keweenaw

    What is the best conditions for lake effect snow in the keweenaw pen. It seems if we would ever get a east wind that it would have alot more fetch to pick up snow from the lake. I no you have said in the past that keweenaw can get hit hard with a light west or west south west wind. Do you ever...
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    weather today and snow

    if the wind is coming from over the lake right now and its not snowing or raining right now or hasnt for a few hours, but it is forecasted to start later tonight. My question is my arent we receiving any precip right now and why will it all the sudden start tonight.
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    snow next week

    anyone else see the forcast for next friday sat looks like we might get first accumulating snow of the season just thought i throw it out there.
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    current thunderstorms

    few weeks back talked about thunderstorms over lake superior dying out. well right now about 10 miles off the keweenaw peninsula they dont seem to be dying out but almost getting stronger like you said can happen sometimes. if they storms were little bit further east do you think they would...
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    you mention in your journal that the thunderstorms always die out when they cross lake superior is this because of the cold water temps if so what happens when the lake superior warms up july and august becuase i know surface temps can get to 70 and above. also seems like the moisture from the...
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    spring this year

    warmest march on record this year and the quickest the snow has ever melted just curious if it is.
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    snow melting

    have you ever seen the snow melt this fast in the keweenaw by next week we wont have any.
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    temp and snow

    see s like its almost to cold for it to snow alot it was 0 this morning now its about 10 and the snow flakes are a little bigger this must be becuase of the temputure or is this not true? if so what is the perfect temp for lake effect snow or when is it to cold?
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    lake snows in keweenaw

    what are the perfect conditions for lake effect snow in keweenaw hancock northwards?It seems like when we get these strongs winds that we have now we dont really get much, but when its says 5-10mph we get dumped on is this true.
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    thunderstorm in calumet

    was wondering how there was such a small area last night to get so much damage roofs off buildings many trees down sheds blow over tree's on cars looks like a mini tornado went through that part of town not sure if you checked it out yet areas in town only have few small branches i live in...
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    keweenaw snow

    there is still alot of snow in the keweenaw still alot of places to do boondocking the last week or so we havent really lost any snow with highs around 25-30 everyday. i think you will be able to ride in the woods for another week+ not like last spring when we had green grass showing up already...
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    This summer

    john what are the rainfall totals for June July august in houghton/keweenaw counties all i hear is people saying that it has been dry. the only month i think that might have been a little dry was july ?
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    Trail cameras

    anybody got one lets seem some pics of those big bucks in velvet or anything else on them.
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    Changes in temp

    i no spring temps vary alot but it seems like even more so this year have one day 70 the next day in the low 40's. seems like its been like that the best month and it also seems like the last 4-5 weekends saturday has been crummy out. just wondering if this is normal
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    Lake frozen

    if lake superior was frozen over like it has before would are temps get colder at night also becuase the lake couldnt influence the temps so much if it was frozen or would it still keep air temp warmer.