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  1. R

    Midland MI snow

    Not a snowmobile pic, but snow related. I spent the afternoon on Sunday cleaning up from the weekend snowfall and took a short periscope video of me doing it.
  2. R

    Forecasts are syncing up

    I came in here today all ready to say how someone was going to be wrong by tomorrow night. Since Monday, John's forecast has been promising 4-8" of snow in mid-Michigan. Meanwhile other sites were saying up to 1". They couldn't both be right could they? But it seems that the other guys have...
  3. R

    Something making this warmup different?

    Warm spells in winter are nothing new to me. But this one seems different. It seems that normally, weather this warm in winter is accompanied by some strong south winds, generally in the 30mph and up range. But I've been outside much of the day and the wind has not been anywhere near that...
  4. R

    How do weather guys define "trace"?

    I was just curious how a trace of snow was defined? Where I am in mid Michigan, snow was not in the forecast today, but some did fall. It wasn't really sticking around except for a few areas of bare soil. And I don't think it lasted all that long there either. Thanks
  5. R

    One can only hope this forecast is accurate

    As someone who is starting out a residential snow removal service, I say let this come true! One highlight from the article: "“Snowfall is predicted to be above normal from Minnesota and Iowa into Michigan, Ohio and parts of West Virginia and Kentucky,” AccuWeather said. “Above-normal snowfall...
  6. R

    Should John Dee get malpractice insurance?:)

    I was just wondering that because of the following article: Quick synopsis: two flight attendants are suing the National Weather Service after being injured in "unexpected turbulence" Now, assuming this doesn't get laughed out of court, does...