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  1. M

    Watch out for weather radar tricksters :)
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    The World Needs A Few More Of These

    The World Needs A Few More Of These Click HERE to see video.
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    Mt. Rushmore

    Mt. Rushmore picked up an amazing 7" of snow today!
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    Sonic Boom Following Volcano Eruption
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    A little doggie lesson
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    Ever see a bird fish for a fish with bait???
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    do the hustle, or walk the dog????

    If you and your doggies are feeling like couch potatoes ahead of the holiday's, a bit of an energizer
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    tube cloud

    ever see/hear anything like this???
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    Front of the house

    Did anyone else notice the new 'front of the house' shot?---nice job
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    was sent to me; like the crowd to forward

    Subject: Watch "NeverWet Arrives - Hands-On Product Demonstration" on YouTube Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE DROID
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    Ever hear of anything like this??? Apparently electrical discharges 30-60 miles above the earth linked to thunderstorms??
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    Start of a bug attack

    Seems like we are getting a bit of a run of bugs in our place and never had this type of problem before. Don't know my critters but, I can't even rule out bed bugs, which is freaking wife and I out (bed and mattress is brand new and ruling out manufacturer). Anyone with any home remedy solutions...
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    My new dog house
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    maybe some caught this
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    A Dog's Purpose: from a 6-year-Old ----saw this and passing it along

    Being a Veterinarian, I had been called to examine a ten-year-old Irish Wolfhound named Belker. The dog's owners, Ron, his wife Lisa, and their little boy Shane, were all very attached to Belker, and they were hoping for a miracle. I examined Belker and found he was dying of cancer. I told the...
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    Hi John, The other night, the Chicago area was hit with violent weather setting off the air raid sirens which is quite rare and spooky. Although there was no downtown tornado, the atmosphere must have been quite ripe. Growing up as a kid, we were always told that a tornado to hit the city...