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  1. J

    Time and Distance Estimates??

    Anyone have an estimate at the time and distance this route would take? Starting in Butternut, ending in Butternut, would anyone not recommend this route with something better in mind?
  2. J

    Countdown and location of next trip!!!

    3 days and 8 hours till team I like my cucumbers pickled heads up to the North Woods....staying in Butternut but making the journey up to Hurley!!!!!
  3. J

    Put your odds down

    Hitting up Northern Wisconsin the weekend of the Superbowl. What is everyone's odds of Superbowl weekend being a good weekend to ride in Northern Wisconsin...Mercer, Hurlery Areas?
  4. J

    Hitting a snow groomer?

    Has anyone ever, or heard of someone, hitting a snow groomer? Didn't think that could be possible, those things are pretty big but heard some stories last year up in northern wi about someone hitting one and breaking their hand. If it is true I guess it could have been a lot worse......