03 F7 stolen in Knoxville, IL


New member
2003 AC F7 and trailer stolen in Knoxville, IL. Sled is black with chrome windshield, polished tunnel, and l.e.d. Taillight. Trailer is older with new wood and the lights don't work. Sled has a crack on the right side towards the bottom of the hood. Any information would be greatly appreciated and return of the sled will be a $500 reward. Thanks.


Well-known member
That sucks contact police may be sled chop shop in your area. Probably wanted F3 for parts. We had that up here but they caught them.:)


Sorry to hear that happened to you i know the feeling. I had my 02 renagade stollen frome me 3 years ago never got it back and not one word from the cops. I will keep my fingers crossed for ya that you get the sled back!!