03 rmk 800 air screw tip broke off????


New member
yea the air fuel mixture screw tip broke off in my carb how would one go about getting it out??? lets hear what you think would work


New member
Bring it to a shop or start shopping flea bay for a new set. If you try to drill it out , you'll soon have a $125.00 piece of a scrap in your hand. Do not ask me how I know.


New member
That is what happens when someone bottoms out the adj screw too hard. I'm pretty sure you might want to start shopping now.
I'm thinking that you might be able to try blowing pressurized air into the hole. A small pin or wire to dislodge it then blow with air.You can also try pressurized air in from another port and blow it out while " carefully poking with a small scriber or wire.


New member
thanks guys. i have it over at my parts shop they are going to try to get it out, when i was there last night we tried to blow it out but would not work tho. if anyone has a set for sale please call me 920-342-2392 or any help thanks alot
I had the same thing happen to my 01 600 I was told it was a common problem I ended up buying a used set after a shop tryed to drill it out. After some research I was told the way to get it out was with special machine that basically arcs it out I think a EMM? I can not remember the name of the machine but it is done under water with a small probe
Don't let them use a drill on it they will just wreak the Carbs. I would recommend calling Vic at Freds Fast track in Fond du Lac and he should be able to direct you where to take them. Thats who game me the information ater mine wear destroyed


New member
It's called an sinker EDM. There are complications when doing this however. A biggie is that while burning if the piece becomes dislodged the trode starts to arc off to the side , the ram keeps backing off then it won't burn. another is that you almost need prints due to the area being so small and if your going to burn ( edm ) you would want to know the depth & angle so you can make your trode. Lots of complications if it doesn't come out easily while burning. Third without the correct dimensions on the trode they would probably blow ( dimensionally ) the important orfice down inside and your adjustment with the screw might not work accurately . Just my thoughts if I were doing the job.
Thus.... my earlier comment " start shopping now ".


New member
well i cant find the right carbs around my area but i drilled it out it came out. i dont know if it will still work but its worth a shot.


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Give it a whirl.... just keep an eye on how she is running on that side. There is a reason the screw tips are perfectly sharp and come to a point. I find that carbs are so intricate that even ther smallest thing will change performance. I once chased down a low end stumble for months., had it to the best dealer around only to have them play clip & screw games and it still wouldn't remove the hesitation. I called a select group of POO guys and asked them for input ect.... finally after 5 times tearing them down & 2 trips to the dealer I found a partially plugged PAJ. Cleared up the hesitation instantly. My experience has told me that it may not tune or you might loose your adjustment. You will probably get it to run,,, but maybe not perfectly. On the other hand ... you may be lucky ( which I'm not ) and managed to remove the tip without altering the orfice end. Lets hope for that. I'm just rambling but let me say .... for all the folks that proclaim the simplicity of carbs.... they are a precision metering device. And have caused my simple minded butt some grief... Fortunately they are relatively cheap.
Only trying to be helpful.
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New member
yea i dont know i might just swap out carbs from a 01 or 02 but it has the air jet instead of the air screw, and the end of the carb that goes in the air box is shorter.