03 ski doo 600 ho won"t start when hot


New member
600 ho won"t start when sled is warm let it sit for awhile starts right up runs great also. just don''t turn it off.
I am guessing that is not a injected engine next time you ride, before you shut it down shut the fuel off and let it run minute. That will tell you if you have a needle and seat problem and fuel is flooding out the cyclinders after it is shut down.


New member
Slrd does not have a fuel shut off.

Could be bad rings. Sled was known for this. Check compression to see, or remove exhaust and look at rings for flaking. Try giving it about 1/4 throttle when trying to start when warm.


New member
My 03 had some bad carb boots cought it in time check to see if cracks in the boots changed the boots and it was golden