07' IQ track removal


New member
I was told that the drive axle would slide out of the chain case side without opening up the case. can anybody help me out, I tried and it won't pull out. everything on spedo side is out. thanks for the help.


New member
They are wrong you have to take exhaust off then drain the gear box,pull the gears off then you can slide it out.


Not sure why someone would think that. There is a gear attached to the end of the drive axle, and the chain around it. Plus a bolt holding it all together.


New member
On the edge chassis sleds you can slide the Drive axle over enough when you take off the bearing retainer on the speedo side to get the shaft to drop low enough to get the track off. The IQ is a little different. drain oil (plug is under sled), pull exhaust can out. remove cover. careful it is plastic and should have the metal update bracket on it. don't bend it. loosen tensioner and remove chain. remove the bearing retainer on speedo side. speedo is electronic not cable. slide slide drive axle over to exhaust side. slide track off. Not hard to do. reverse to reinstall. set tension per owners manual. (it has a nice picture how to do it). I have done both my 05 switch and my 06 IQRMK. Use 11oz. Polaris synthetic chain oil. On the IQ you have to torque bolts per manual, to not crack chain case cover. Edge has a metal cover. while the cover is off wipe the sludge out of chain case. you can reuse chain case cover gasket.


New member
I'll get it apart thurs. night , so I can leave the gear on the axle or take it off to get axle all the way out ? ahhh yeah.


New member
find samc in off topic rambling offical jd family he just did one and I believe he said the hole chain case had to come out before the drive could be removed it was different then the 06 IQ


New member
I just installed a 136 on my IQR and you have to remove the chain case housing. 3 extra mins. Then the entire drive will just slide out. Make sure you remember how the o-rings on the shaft go back on - on the chain case side.


New member
alright, sounds like it about the same as my 95' XLT. That one was the same way with the hole chain case had to be removed because the extra drive sprocket on the axle. sounds like Im going to get to know her a little better tonight.

thanks again guys


Well-known member
You shouldn't have to take the chain case off. I did a 06 IQ and you have to drain the chaincase, pull the cover off and chain off, take the bolt out holding the sprocket on and remove the sprocket. Take the speedo hub off the other side then you can slide it back and forth far enough to get it out.


New member
You shouldn't have to take the chain case off. I did a 06 IQ and you have to drain the chaincase, pull the cover off and chain off, take the bolt out holding the sprocket on and remove the sprocket. Take the speedo hub off the other side then you can slide it back and forth far enough to get it out.

that is the correct answer with far less words than I used!


New member
track R&R

thanks guys got it out no problem, everything else in the case looks good. just need a new H bracket and front track shock and a track and a set of hyfax and a bottle of lube and a bag of ice four my understanding wife. she was not so happy.