08 600 sdi check engine


New member
I have an 08 Ski Doo Renegade 60 sdi with less than 2000 miles on it. I was out tonight and it beeped 4 times then the check engine light came on. Let it cool, same thing 1 minuite later, let it sit for abou 15 min. then went to move it off the trail to get the truck and the ch. engine light would not go on. Drove it about a mile no problem. started it again light came of almost instantly. I am taking it to the dealer on Mon. but just wondered if anyone had any ideas or past experince. My first guess would be a sensor, but I really have no clue at this point. Do they store trouble codes like a car?

Marty P

New member
How old is your fuel? Could be a detonation (knock) sensor...
Sled does store codes on ECM...you would be suprised at all the info the ECM records in memory...if not fuel then take it in.


New member
How old is your fuel? Could be a detonation (knock) sensor...
Sled does store codes on ECM...you would be suprised at all the info the ECM records in memory...if not fuel then take it in.

Yep, have dealer check codes. With all the sensors you just don't know.
Check the wires and the connection to the sensor on the top of your air box.If it is electric start pull and check fuse on top of battery for corosion and remove battery to chassie ground and clean it with sand paper.


New member
I had same problem the dealer said was disformed colant bottle they get out of shape somehow & then start sucking air & colant cheap only 75 dollars fixed 500 mil since no problem



So what did the dealer say? Just wondering because my '06 SDI 600 acted up last year in a similar fashion, tho, not exactly the same.

Mine was a wire, worn through shorting out. Haven't had the problem return since they fixed it.



New member

The dealer said the code was a grounded out in an injector. They could not find a problem. I am up in the UP this weekend and the check engine light still comes on once in a while. Also, once it went through a start up sequence while going down the trail. Also a few weeks ago i blew a fuse for the tail light. I am thinking the tail light wire is shorting somewhere. I hear this is a semi common problem. Not sure.


New member
Mine did the same thing on the trail 2 weeks ago. I shut it down to cool it off...started it and it started beeping again. Took off, cleaned and put key tab back on and it has been running fine since. My wife was riding it at the time and I think it was not put on tight enough...why the temp light came on and beeped that is another mystery.


New member
The dealer said the code was a grounded out in an injector. They could not find a problem. I am up in the UP this weekend and the check engine light still comes on once in a while. Also, once it went through a start up sequence while going down the trail. Also a few weeks ago i blew a fuse for the tail light. I am thinking the tail light wire is shorting somewhere. I hear this is a semi common problem. Not sure.

I think skidoos have a lot of wiring problems, harnesses rubbing through, causing shorts.

on my last trip, my buddies 06 600 sdi, tps sensor shorted out, handwarmers shorted out and tail lamp wiring shorted out. good way to ruin a trip, and it only has 1200 miles.

I dont like how all these newer sleds have changed electronically, seems like they are less dependable, Ive been riding for 20 years, and never had problems like these


New member

Started taking her apart today. Dealer does not think the tail light could cause the check engine light to go on. I will still check it, but I will also go throught all the wiring, wire by wire. Hate to have to do this to a sled with jus over 2,000 miles on it, but I don't want this problem to follow me to next season. I will let you know what, if anything, that I find.


New member
update 2

looked over all the wiring i could. Could not find any problems. I probably will take it to the dealer in fall and have them check the codes again and possibly start looking at the injectors, being that was the code that intermitintly flashes.
I have the same issue with my 2008 MXZ 600 SDI. No pattern, will beep 4 times, check engine light comes on and goes into limp mode.

Cobraindy...what fixed yours?