08 revxp tnt low brake lever


Active member
hydraulic brake lever low and soft intermitant , brake pads fine, bled caliper, watched rotor for excess runout, didnt measure with dial indicator, but doesnt seem bad, any knowns for master cylinder ? one time lever good next time soft , no consistancy, does anyone make an adjustable lever as my yamaha has? are all skidoos this way? yammi brake, rock hard and up high,


New member
The Doo brakes are usually excellent. You have air in there somewhere. Keep bleeding. Other options... could be a bad master cyl. plunger, letting fluid by. Very rare, but sometimes the inside of the hose can get torn from being kinked or pinched by something, and the torn area can cause a little flap of rubber to act as a check valve of sorts, restricting the flow. If the brakes work like they should when the lever is hard, I doubt this is the problem. If the brakes dont work well when the lever is hard, then I would suspect line damage.