09 revXP 800 priming oil system


New member
last year i had my sled completely apart, everything in pieces, and i havent rode it since but with this storm coming im thinking about taking it up north this weekend, when we put the motor back in we didnt see a way how to prime the system so my question is, does it self prime? if i just run some oil in the fuel for the first tank of gas maybe even second will it self prime the pump and lines?

thanks, wes


New member
If you're talking about the oil injection, it should have an air bleed screw at the oil pump. At least my cats do. Just open it and let it gravity bleed. Next time you have to disconnect the oil line, plug the line at the pump when you disconnect it so it doesn't leak out and make a mess and it keeps the oil in the line and air out. I don't know if they will self prime, but if you run it without bleeding it, you'll have to premix at what the sled runs at, prob 50:1. Don't premix a whole tank. I'd mix a half gallon or so of gas at 50:1 and see if it will prime. Should be just as easy to bleed it tho and not have to worry about it. The lines from the pump to the carbs or throttle bodies you needn't worry about, just the line from the tank to the pump needs bled.
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New member
the guy who helped me take it apart and put back together is a good mechanic and he claims that he didnt see a bleed screw(granted first time working on the ne chassis) so he tol me that it SHOULD bleed and prime its self, and being that it is 100% together now, getting access to the bleed screw if it has one is nearly impossible now without taking half the sled apart


New member
from what i can tell looking through the clutch side through all the braces and other parts, the oil looks to be solid into the pump and looks like oil is in the two output lines going to the crank


New member
is ther ANYYY way to do it without take the air box and carbs off which i believe if i remember correctly requires taking the entire dash and rear frame assembly apart?