10 Year old Floe Trailer. No lights. Any Trouble Shooting Tips?

I have a 10 year Floe trailer and a month ago i hooked up the lights and none of them work. probably a ground issue. i know it is not the harnerss as the boat trailer works fine. have a neighbor with a multimeter and going to look at it this weekend. anything people have run into? Thanks.


New member
Sure it could be a ground issue, or bad bulbs, or bad sockets, or a mouse chewed it all to heck. If you think you have a ground issue what I've done is grab your jumper cables (or any long wire) and use those to supply a ground path from vehicle to the trailer. I had a tilt two place that was giving me fits and the cables worked great because I could move the ground to different areas to figure out where the ground was open. I usually will add on a wire permanantly attached to trailer with a clip on the other end to hook up somewhere on the truck. This way you can un-hook it easy. This not only helps lighting issues but seems to make electric brakes work better. Good Luck.


10 years old it could be many things. Start with the ground. Floes are all aluminum and at this age there could easily be some oxidation. Grind or sand a new contact point up near the hitch. Run a nice big clean wire to your tow rig ground and see what you get.


New member
If you have a tilt trailer hook a permater ground from tilt tongue to trailer frame. I have had this happen when all lights dont work this happens a lot.


New member
start with the trailer plug the wire might be broke inside the coating. or might be just corroded


had a wire break in my plug, lights would work until hit some bumps. was enough to break contact so spliced a new plug in.