Your forecast text got me intrigued, especially when I read the potential for the big storm. What caught my eye was the origination point and the NNE track. I immediately thought back to the Jan 2-4, 1999 blizzard that dropped over a foot in Milwaukee and almost twice that in Chicago. Any similarities? I realize the track of that storm was a bit further east. Anywhere to go for a radar loop of that storm and/or a good write up of what happened from the science side of things?
Thanks in advance. Sorry, I am a weather geek. Almost went to Purdue for Meteorology.
Your forecast text got me intrigued, especially when I read the potential for the big storm. What caught my eye was the origination point and the NNE track. I immediately thought back to the Jan 2-4, 1999 blizzard that dropped over a foot in Milwaukee and almost twice that in Chicago. Any similarities? I realize the track of that storm was a bit further east. Anywhere to go for a radar loop of that storm and/or a good write up of what happened from the science side of things?
Thanks in advance. Sorry, I am a weather geek. Almost went to Purdue for Meteorology.