15 new scientific discoveries



you can also go faster than light speed...and the new horizon space craft is using a ION engine to do this...see LHC films too understand more...will post when I get chance...ENJOY



basically its this.....light travels in waves...and if you were to put a space ship inside the light wave then it could travel as fast as the speed of light...so they built a huge ring to try it....the LHC....it got going into the wave and the problem is they could not get it out of the wave till it was past its destination by millions of miles...a lot of people don't believe this is going on....but it is and 2 deep space probes are currently doing this very thing...new horizons is one of them...I forget the others name...but this is how you get the ship into the light wave..also new horizons is PULSING THE ION MOTOR this same way to achieve FASTER than light travel....which can be done....contrary to past beliefs...PS...if particles can do this can a ship? that was the ultimate question that needed answered...its also refered to THE ROCKET ENGINE...and that's no coinincidence



theres actually four of them or more maybe....the other one trying an ION ENGINE is called NEW DAWN....its way way out there in a short time frame and after inspecting the 2 bodies it will zoom off towards the 3rd mission that was postponed is my guess and then a speed run to see what it can do...PS...a XENON ION THRUSTER...you have 2 of those right now...they are called......HEADLIGHTS here on earth....LMAO

Propulsion system[edit]

The Dawn spacecraft is propelled by three xenon ion thrusters based on an evolution of the NSTAR technology used by the Deep Space 1 spacecraft,[38] and uses only one at a time. They have a specific impulse of 3,100 s and produce a thrust of 90 mN.[39] The whole spacecraft, including the ion propulsion thrusters, is powered by a 10 kW (at 1 AU) triple-junction gallium arsenide photovoltaic solar array manufactured by Dutch Space.[40][41] Dawn was allocated 275 kg (606 lb) of xenon for its Vesta approach, and carried another 110 kg (243 lb) to reach Ceres,[42] out of a total capacity of 425 kg (937 lb) of on-board propellant.[43] With the propellant it carries, Dawn can perform a velocity change of more than 10 km/s over the course of its mission, far more than any previous spacecraft achieved




last one....if you really want to understand it watch this....and if you want to skip a bit go to 7:25 and watch to aboot 15:00 and it explains the scaling up and down of the motors and drives and power panels...how you can go large like as in the LHC...and at 7:25 you'll learn about one of the most non known important places on earth....LOL...enjoy....I did



Warp Factor eight Mr. Sulu.



go here and look at the 6 meter...now imagine if it was turned 180 degrees....hmmmmmm
