1st Time Going to Eastern UP. Newberry, MI?


New member
Hello to all, we have been reading a ton of threads regarding the Eastern UP, and we are thrilled to be heading in that direction next week for the 1st time.

We have researched plenty of trails, and where to ride, what to see, etc. Right now, planning on staying in Newberry, MI at Zellar's Village Inn. Does it make sense to stay in Newberry if we are trying to ride in many different directions each day, and return to our same place? No back-packing.

Or should we stay more north in Grand Marais, or Munising? I've heard much more about those towns, than I have heard of Newberry, but clearly Newberry is more centrally located.

Is there any nightlife to speak of in Newberry?

Thanks in advance for any insight.


Active member
Newberry is an ok place to stay as you say it is centrally located, sometimes getting in and out of town can be a pain if the snow is marginal but you shouldn't have a problem this year, everything north of 28 is very good this season, lots of good trails, Paradise has a festival going on next weekend I think, check with the Paradise Night Riders Club, Newberry to Grand Marais is some great riding.



New member
Just got back from Newberry, we rode from there east to the falls, then to Paradise, north and then west along Trail 8 then 89 to west of Grand Marais, down to Seney and back to Newberry, great trails everywhere. We had 2+ feet at all times and between Pine Stump and Whitefish point it was 3+, great conditions. Looked to be good snow south of M28 as well but we didn't get down there. We stayed in town and the town trails were decent, as long as they pick up a couple of inches of fresh snow this week they should be fine. There is a big staging area just north of downtown, if the town trail goes to crap it's a short hop to the staging area and plenty of parking there for your rig. Have fun!


New member
Not to 'rain' on your parade, but it has been raining non-stop here since yesterday evening. There's enough snow to not have to worry about it, but going thru town will probably be a pain. And if we don't get any fresh stuff this week, trails might be a little icey. PM me if you want any more info later in the week.
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New member
Also the UP 200 Sled Dog Race starts Friday, 2/15, and runs from Marquette to Grand Marais and back. So may want to avoid their route during the weekend (www.up200.org should have the whole route. I know they take trail 8 to Grand Marais primarily).


New member
We are in Seney/Grand Marais area riding right now. Trails are in great condition. Just came in from a riding and everything has firmed back up . Rain didn't harm anything up here.


In town Newberry can be a total pain to navigate if snow is lacking.

I would stay north of Newberry. Two places north of Town; Half Way Lake Resort and Winter Haven.
Both place are right on the trail system.

Good luck.
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New member
I read on FB about a bad ditch on trail 45 north of Newberry. According to the report the ditch is about 10 miles out of town, is 5-6 ft wide and will send you flying. Watch your speed.


They put a stop sign up at this ditch on Sunday. Watched a guy get hauled out by rescue on Saturday after hitting the hole..


New member
My son and I rode Trail 45 last Friday and Saturday and I was worried about hitting "the hole". As it turns out the hole in question is on a plowed section of the road with maybe 1/2" of snow over ice. No way would I be running 80 on that stretch, and they put up plenty of warning signs so you see it well in advance. If someone crashed there on Saturday they were riding way too fast and/or they were not paying any attention to the multiple yellow striped signs that are in place. When we came through there on Saturday we met a logging truck a couple of miles further on and had to turn around and get off the trail - with the huge snowbanks there was no way to pass the truck. Again running at 80 would have made for a nice collision.

I must be getting older and more conservative because after seeing "the hole" and it's location, IMO it's in a spot where you should be running 50 max and not 80.


New member
Hey Dub, we have a group of 3 heading up from Indy on fri till tues. we are staying @ zellars, our 1st time in the eup too. Let me know if u want to ride.