2 Missing Snowmobilers in Wisconsin UPDATE


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Click on this link for the story and photographs as of Monday night,


This link features a series of photographs of the Search Equipment and Professionals on Monday. It will also indicate the size of the Lake's dimensions.


Lastly, prayers and thoughts to the families. If anything good is to come of this, maybe the heightened awareness of these dangers will save other lives in the future.

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New member
Draw a line from Neenah Rec. Landing to Waverly, don't go west of that line. This year is no different than every past year. That ice is never safe! There are so many square miles of better ice there is no reason to venture into areas that have never and will never be good ice.


Well-known member
Man what is wrong with people. I mean if your from the area you should know where to go and if you don't stay the He** off the lake.

Riding at night you better have a compass or Gps if your riding the west shore. I ride the lake alot but tend to stick to the east side unless there's not a lot of cracks/shoves and you have good visibility. I also carry a compass on the sleds key chain so I can stop for quick readings.

Let's hope others can learn from their mistakes.


New member
This is a sad story but at least now there can be some closure for the families. My brother-in-law happens to work with one of the victims (Jay L's) brother in Libertyville, IL. This hits too close to home for me. Ride smart and Stay Safe!
And a truck went through the ice with a family in it, they were exploring the ice. Just what do people think? or don't they. Prayers to the families