2000 indy 500 main clutch jamb nut


Well-known member
so i heard a little metalic ratteling sound at idle and found the jamb nut on the main clutch was loose
i am getting the clutch pulled and having this tightened but a mechanic i know told me the clutch would be junk and the shaft WOULD be cracked.....
i dont think that it was like this for long and i tightened it best i could while on the sled and it seems to work just fine
i hate to think that the sled is now junk, it has been extremely reliable
i'm planning on just letting the kids/wife just keep riding it but wonder what you guys think......
as always, thanks ahead of time!


I had one break on a 1986 400, All I did was pull clutch, took out bolt end from end of crank, and then reintalled a new bolt with correct torque. There is a plastic guide that the bolt goes through to help you line up threads correctly with crank end. This guide would of stopped bolt from bouncing around. I would think everything would be just fine.


Well-known member

he was right, broke right through
now to figure out how to get off, the threads that the tool would use to pull it off are on the part that broke off
thinking of trying to make a puller of some sort.......


Well-known member
I hope you balanced the clutch, or order up a new crank ?

Uhhh, noooo
I took the clutch to a local shop and they found a used inner sheath, took mine apart and put them together
so now I need to worry about the crank going out?


Well-known member
I don't think I would mix clutch parts together, but maybe their not worried about it


New member
yeah there is a X that lines up with the other parts of the clutch. And they are all calibrated with the same parts.

But who knows... good luck !


Based on your description on how you are going to use sled I would think you will be OK. On the same sled I broke the clutch bolt I wore out the brass bushing that is in the center of the outside cover. I got a used one turned the outside down to fit snuggly and all was fine. I ended up putting 9,000 miles on that sled before I sold it