2000 Ski Doo mini z vs 2000 AC z120


I purchased a z120 a few days ago and now have the opportunity to purchase a mini z for similar $. My question is which is better. The mini z has the upgraded gears already, which I need, but I am not sure which is a better sled. I must say, I am not impressed with the suspension on the AC...it's pre "real shocks". It has the leaf springs basically. What peoples thoughts? I have not seen the Ski Doo yet, but its from the same seller and he is bringing it home this weekend to sell. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Also, I know someone will ask, my boys are 7 and 4 and each have a Kitty Cat. I am not ready to upgrade to a 250cc or similar for my 7 year old either...well my wife is not ready to allow it.


My brother had the older style ski doo and had quite a few problems, I had the polaris 120 and had zero. I thought the ZR 120 had heated hand grips, I like that feature. I"m sure there all the same, ski doo quite making the minis