2001 440 snopro no fuel to carbs


New member
i have a 2001 cat 440 snopro. have not road in 3 years. went to use,cleaned carbs,changed fuel lines,will not run.not getting fuel to pump threw fuel pump. how can i test fuel pump and how much pressure should be coming from crank to fuel pump?

Team Elkhorn

My son has the same sled, same year, same problem. It takes forever to get the fuel to the carbs when it sits over the summer. We get it to pump by taking the air box off and covering the carbs with our hands. It takes awhile but it works. Something about the small crank case on the race sleds or something. (Low vac pres.) Also we sometimes pour a little bit of gas into the cylinders and replace the plugs, fires for a few seconds then stops. But it helps pull the fuel up. I guess its common on these sleds. Let me know if it starts.
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New member
Wrap your lips around the tank opening and pressurize it for a few. Fuel bowls will fill and you will have a easier time starting.

Caution: do not inhale while lips are attached!



New member
Son has the same sled, same prob. i removed the gas cap, stuck air hose in and presurize the tank, pushes fuel up works every time. Hope this helps....


New member
Make sure your pick up line hasn't fallen off in the tank. Very common with this great fuel we have.


New member
2001 440 snopro

thanks for advise.i poured gas in cylinders she fires up then dies.pressurized tank.put gas in cylinders again it starts and dies brings gas to fuel pump but none comes out to carbs. i do not know if it could be bad fuel pump or maybe no pressure from engine to fuel pump


New member
Sounds like the fuel pump has varnished up from sitting to long. Take it apart and give it a good cleaning.



New member
thanks for advise.i poured gas in cylinders she fires up then dies.pressurized tank.put gas in cylinders again it starts and dies brings gas to fuel pump but none comes out to carbs. i do not know if it could be bad fuel pump or maybe no pressure from engine to fuel pump

Sounds like the pump is bad, cheap enough to just replace them, did that two years ago on my sons sled, works fine now..........


New member
thanks for advise.i poured gas in cylinders she fires up then dies.pressurized tank.put gas in cylinders again it starts and dies brings gas to fuel pump but none comes out to carbs. i do not know if it could be bad fuel pump or maybe no pressure from engine to fuel pump

So you can see fuel come out of the tank and go to the fuel pump? From the fuel pump to the carb you can not see fuel? That would not make sense because you can pass fuel through any fuel pump with gas tank pressure with the exception of a vacuum operated safety cut off fuel pump (Doo and POL used but never Cat). The only way this can happen is if the fuel pump diaphragm is torn and the fuel is traveling down the vacuum line into the crank case. In that case your sled woud probably try to start with the fuel being dumped. You need to check lines, connections, carb floats, vacuum lines, pick up screens, and fuel pump diaphrams before you start replacing things.