2004 600 sdi


New member
Purchased used 2004 MXZ 600 SDI privately. Ran fine at purchase. Got it home drove off trailer and put in reverse and it died. Would not start. Took to dealer - compression is 140 each side. Dealer replaced battery
And plugs and cleaned throttle body. Ran good. Took home and rode less than one mile. Put in reverse and died. Will not start. Ideas? Bad switch somewhere?


Well-known member
Check compression again with a different gauge. There can be wide variances between different gauges. I'm not sure if there's a relay involved with the RER, but relays are a known issue with these sleds so that might be something to look into.
Check compression again with a different gauge. There can be wide variances between different gauges. I'm not sure if there's a relay involved with the RER, but relays are a known issue with these sleds so that might be something to look into.

Well obviously they didn't fix your problem. Go back to them. Usually if compression is the problem it will start back up and go. Interesting problem. Let us know what comes about. Good luck


Try unhooking the battery for 2-3 min. then hook it back up.This may reset the relay.
let us know if it works
Purchased used 2004 MXZ 600 SDI privately. Ran fine at purchase. Got it home drove off trailer and put in reverse and it died. Would not start. Took to dealer - compression is 140 each side. Dealer replaced battery
And plugs and cleaned throttle body. Ran good. Took home and rode less than one mile. Put in reverse and died. Will not start. Ideas? Bad switch somewhere?


New member
Rechecked comp with my gauges. Got 125-126. Unhooked battery for five minutes. Still nothing.
Need to check RER wiring and would like to check kill switch - any ideas where to start with that?


Well-known member
Sorry, I have no experience with either of those. But assuming your 125-126 reading is accurate, from what I've read it's working its way toward the low end of acceptable so you may want to start thinking about new rings. Not necessarily today or tomorrow, but it's coming.

old abe

Well-known member
Make sure your kill switch is fully activated. Play with this a little the next time the problem raises its head. It's a rocker switch that can cause problems. Rock it back and forth several times. 125 # compression getting on the low side. 2004 had some ring problems.