2006 fusion 600 handwarmer problem


New member
I was out riding yesterday and half way through the trip the left hand warmer stopped working. The right worked fine the whole time. My thought is either the handwarmer is bad or there is a broken wire. What have other fusion owners seen in terms of issues like this?


your assessment is going to be right. If one works and the other doesn't, clearly, the one not working has an electrical problem in the heater itself or in the wire leading to it. Both not working, different story. Could be lots of things then.


New member
I had the same problem on Fusion. It is a common problem (lots of posts on Snowest and HCS). The element in the warmer will fuse together and cause a short. If you take the grip off you will see where is shorted together.

Just order a new one form the dealer.


New member
I went out yesterday and checked out the handwarmer and found one of the circuits indicated "open" when using an ohmmeter. I ordered a new one today.