2009 Renegade 800.. Whats it worth?


New member
My brother-in-law is selling his 2009 800 renegade. I am looking at possibly buying it. Whats a fair price? Thanks for your help!


New member
You need to post how many miles and any damage done to it. Is it all stock or customized.

Even then it is only a good guess.

Perhaps being that new, you might want to shop for a left over to see what they are going for first, then adjust for the mileage and warranty that the old one won't have.


New member
Its got between 700 and 800 miles on. It has a canister, riser block, and hand guards. no damage and its in good shape. I can get a left over 2010 for around $9000. I was thinking $6500??..


Disregarding the Blue Book and looking at the other 800 Renegades out there the cheapest one on PSN is $7800 and that has 1200 miles.

fwiw NADA has this as a value: Low Retail $6,720 Average Retail $8,850
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Blue book is nothing more than rough guide lines for the market right now. With all the "whole sale" units available it throw's real world values all out of whack. If I remember right you could buy those last summer brand new for $7500 from a hand full of dealers.



Active member
2009 leftover $7799
2010 leftover $8100

source JD classifrieds

Private party no warranty used sled I wouldn't give over $6950 and the only reason I would even go that high is because you know the seller and possibly some history with it...