2010 Michigan Trail permits.


Anyone know where I can by a michigan trail permit early? With the prices going up thought if I got one early wouldn't hurt as bad.


New member
Meijer stores. MSA. I order mine from the Michigan Snowmobile association. I am anal about the sticker not having perforation lines on it from the stores/sporting good places. MSA stickers have been nice decals in the past. $35 hurt? ride Ontario if you want pain. Trail permits are an investment. www.msasnow.org for permits. buy some raffle tickets too! please.


New member
OFSC in Ontario is a bit painful, but well worth the <font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font>

$35 in Mi is not bad.


New member
Definately join Michigan's snowmobiling assoc. It helps them up there and you can buy raffles and you get them on your sled before you go anywhere.


Ditto on the MSA. When I ordered them with my membership I got a response I would have the permits in november $35.00 each.


New member
Good time to join MSA. We need the members. Lansing and our darling Governor only understand numbers. More members more say. You want nice trails this is the thing to do. I have been a Life Member for 26 yrs. Money well invested. www.msasnow.org The permits are not enough. We need your voice also.