2011 Doo GSX Air Shock Question


Well-known member
Does anyone know what is changing in the Doo GSX air shock when you adjust the handle bar button to harden of soften the rear shock?


Well-known member
I don't think there is a air compressor onboard in the doo GSX so wonder what changes on the fly? There is an aftermarket onboard compressor for the new Apex SE megashock air shock but not seeing a compressor on GSX. I have a bud who has GSX but he has no idea how it works. Heck he doesn't even change oil just buys a new sled each year.lol

Marty P

New member
Hard to remember everything (getting old) but I believe on the SE version of the GSX and Grand Touring they have an on-board air compressor that adds air to stiffen the shock.
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Well-known member
Hard to remember everything (getting old) but I believe on the SE version of the GSX and Grand Touring they have an on-board air compressor that adds air to stiffen the shock.

That would be logical but where is it located?