2013 Arctic Cat F1100 snowpro eats hyfax


New member
Just bought this used and it completely burns through hyfax in 300-400 miles. Have been riding Polaris for 30 years and never went through hyfax and wore into the rails. Any wheel kits available or advice?? Using garland graphite slides...Read some other post's about this problem with no real fix.


Active member
Properly mounted ice scratchers would help.
Although I've never heard of slides wearing that fast.
Track too tight?
Riding in low snow or ice conditions where there is no snow to lube them?


New member
My firecat is eating them as well. 500 miles and I have to replace, riding in good snow and track is good tesnsion


Super Moderator
Staff member
Are they wearing completely front to back or just on the back end? They always wear fast on the rear and then they should be good for way more miles than is stated here.


Well-known member
Many folks also don't get the concept of hardening them off, run them to warm them in mediocre snow such as a hard pack trail or snow covered road then get into the fresh & come to a rolling stop. Walla, cured! If you over heat them again down the road, repeat the process.-Mezz