2015 Final Ride-In?


New member
I saw on the main page that the 2015 Snowfest will be the final event. How come? It's alot of fun and a great cause!


This is from John's September 1st Journal...

"The announcement is in regards to the Ride-In. The date is set for January 30 and 31, which is Super Bowl Weekend, like it always is. The big news is that this will be the FINAL SnowFest Ride in. It is bittersweet for me to make that announcement, but for the past few years, I have been wondering how much longer it should go. So before last years event even took place, I talked to the others that help me out so much with the event and it was decided that this seasons ride-in would be the final one.
In a perfect world, it would go on forever, even after I am gone. However, I wanted to make sure that the event went out when we were at the top and not just slowly fade into oblivion. My main reason for making this the final event is that I did not want to wear out my welcome with the businesses that so generously donate to the event. I have never had one complain to me about us hitting them up for prizes, nor have I EVER even gotten that impression from any of them. However, I know that I am not the only fundraiser in our area and I just felt like it would be best to end on a positive note and let other functions have their time.
This will be the 10th event if you can believe that! I honestly can't. It really does not seem like it has been 10 years. I am going to do everything to try and make us go out with a big bang too. I have decided to go back to the Memorial Union at Michigan Tech. The Brownstone has worked phenomenally for the past 4-5 years, but it does limit us in space. It is my hope that since this is the 10th and final Ride-In, that we will draw a big crowd. Perhaps there are those that have come in the past, but missed a few lately and would like to have one more hurrah. Or, perhaps, there are those that have always wanted to come, but for one reason or another did not make it. This will be your chance."


New member
Perhaps you could just hand the "reigns" over to someone else, such a great cause. & every yr seems to grow. Maybe Kip & his crew? Or the Krups, mosquito, wild life? Hate to see anything like this go away. Although I do respect the decision, whole hearted.


Active member
Hoping it ends up being HUGE! Already got my room booked, and putting a little extra $ aside so I can come home with more than usual from the silent auction.


Well-known member
Totally agree with Gary. I hope this one hits it out of the park, both in terms of fun and fund raising.