3/15 Vilas


Well-known member
Its Tuesday 3/15, high of 42 and full sun today, overnight low of 9, temp was 36 and sunny in the afternoon on Monday. We still have plenty of snow and riding this week for a couple of more days is there to be had. It is supposed to warm up into the 40's and 50 as the week progresses so that will burn through any trails that are in those sunny spots, road trails will melt but if you really want to ride there are places that still have very good trail depth but they are all in the woods or lake riding is an option if you know where to ride. Most lakes still have 1-2ft of ice but they are at the point where moving water is working how it should at this time of year and that means unsafe ice in areas where you might have been able to ride before so caution is the word on lakes.


Well-known member
Its amazing what 8 hours of full sun and 43 degrees can do to the trails. Snow cover is still deep but it took a beating today so only thing left is out in the woods around here. 51 degrees and partly sunny on Wednesday and same for the rest of the week so it's coming to a quick end up here.


Well-known member
Wednesday 3/16, still a.lot of snow but the trails are taking a big hit. Its 50 at noon with partly sunny skies. When the sun comes out I have to tell you it feels really good out there after the winter we have had. I'm done for the year.