4.3 Earthquake in Virgil, IL


Active member
Got woke up at 4 AM this morning to a 4.3 Earthquake. I live in western Elgin. The center was in Virgil, Illinois, on IL Rte 64 between Elgin and Sycamore. Who else felt it?
Felt it here in Cortland ,Was also a large bang at the same time ,Thought my neighbors toyota hit the house ,But went to look and nothing to be seen, So went back to bed


New member
Earthquakes in Illinois. Uh oh!! And the world stage is now being set for the fulfillment of one awesome vision. An event so cataclysmic that it will change the World as we now know it for ever...the final apocalypse, Armageddon!


New member
Daughter called me, early and said...geez quake in Chicago?? Mirror was raddling around on the wall and she was up on the 3rd floor. Not that you get those very often, as long as it doesn't last very long and is too violent, kinda neat! Now if you lived in LALA land, grab your sneekers and flashlight and run don't walk to the street.

Maybe it was the locks closing to keep the carp from getting into the great lakes????


New member
Pretty cool that it happened in my town, pretty cool to experience it... Glad there were no injuries or damage. Channel 7 was there this morning.


New member
I live right in Sycamore and it woke my family up with rattling of the windows. This is the second one that I have experienced in the last 2 years whats really something is that it seems that the animals knew minutes before it happened.


Active member
I now hear the center was at the intersection of Randall and Big Timber, the location of the new Sherman Hospital. Anyone else heard this? It is still a 3.8 magnitude earthquake.


New member
Well, with that info Nash, the center seems to be getting closer to me in Sugar Grove. We live near the Aurora Airport and I would have sworn that we got hit by plane. The explosion that we first heard and the house moving afterwards was unexplainable. It felt like the house was progressively collapsing towards us from other rooms. It was very disturbing and powerful. If this was around 4.0 I can not even image a 6.0+



I woke up at 4AM, also and felt some rumbling, but just turned out to be the "Home Wrecker" I ate at the Gay Bar.