5-10 day forecast in northern Wisconsin


John's 5-10 day forecast looks great for Northern Wisconsin but nothing said about it on the other 10 day forecast. To early to tell I guess. Hoping for snow so the kids can play.


Well-known member
There is enough snow now in Phelps for kids to play in at least 2"on a thick ice base. The key is what happens Wednesday?.....Local forecast calling for half inch of rain & temps in mid 30s then followed by wrap around light snow. Probably be more of the same condition thicker ice base with 2 inches on top great for flexiable flyer fun. Next week who knows???? Big snow just has not happened but maybe... temps look to be cold enough for snow.


Staff member
A reminder, the 5-10 forecast is for not just one day, or even one storm. Snowfall depicted in it are for a 6 day period combined. That is the case in this forecast. Not one big storm, but rather a combination of several smaller snow events.



New member
thanks John, I was never never quite sure how to read the 5-10 day. Just to be sure then, to get the 10 day forecast snow totals you would simply add the 4 day totals to the 5-10 total?
thanks again, your sight continues to be most valuable, especially in the low snow times.


Staff member
thanks John, Just to be sure then, to get the 10 day forecast snow totals you would simply add the 4 day totals to the 5-10 total?

The 5-10 day map shows how much snow will fall in the 6 day period that is 5-10 days from now. In this case, today's 5-10 day map is for the total snowfall expected to fall between Dec 27 and Jan 1.

I have changed the wording on the map to help clarify things.



That should be enough to keep the kids happy. Thanks for your responses. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!