5-10 day outlook forecast on December 24th


New member
Hey John

Love the site, come here multiple times each day, especially for the forecasts, but after reading your forecast for December 24, I have a question. At the the end of the 5-10 day forecast, you typed:

"However it will also set the stage for some fairly decent LES across the UP, western lower MI and NW OH."

I am guessing you mean NE OH, not NW OH? I really hope you meant NW OH, but I have never seen LES in NW OH other than a few snow showers. So am I correct in assuming you meant NE OH? I hope my assumption is wrong, because we would love to see some snow!

Thanks again for a great site!


New member
That's what I figured, just thought I'd ask. By the way, this is not Scott Davis, though I know by glance the name would imply that. I am a diehard Buckeye fan as well, I am just not as vocal as Mr. Davis.

Thanks for the great site!


Opps, my apologies buckeye4life.

Should have checked the profile!
