6 inchs of rain?


Team Elkhorn

My son just called asking for directions because the Edens Expressway is closed because its underwater. Just heard on the news they (Chicago) got 6 inch's of rain. First record heat than rain. I guess I better run to Lowe's to get a new battery for our backup sump pump. I wasn't in a hurry to replace it because its summer and usually dry.
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Well-known member
Sounds like us last weekend. Car repair shops are pretty busy fixing all the water damaged cars from the flooding. We had 6.5 inches between Friday and Saturday.


Well-known member
3 years ago we set some records with 17 inches of rain in a 24 hour period. I think it was like 24 inches in 2 days. Mud slides and crazyness all over. I was on call with the fire dept for something like 50 straight hours. South east minnesota. Houston county. Thats alot of snow......


New member
it was truely amazing I was at ohare on friday and fryday nite we had a cloud burst first in the mid morning 1/2 inch in four min then at night starting around 12 or so had 7-8 inchs in 6hrs runways and taxiways a mess not to mention the rest of field left sat morning took me 1hr to get on tollway from there most roads almost impassible but made it out kind of cool to think I was there for that rain and the big snow last winter which was even more amazing had 10-12ft drifts on the field its so wide open out there it just blows and blows.