600 cfi brown crap coming out of VES?


New member
2009 600 Dragon switch seems to be blowing rust colored liquid out of the small hole on the VES cover on right side cylinder. I've never seen this before. It did it the first time out this season (about 3 weeks ago), I thought maybe some water pooled up and turned rusty over summer storage, I cleaned it all up and after getting back from my ride yesterday engine is covered in this crap...otherwise the sled ran fine. Any ideas? Will be calling dealer to see what they have to say.


New member
Dealer says torn bellow, maybe moisture in gas tank. Just read somewhere else where they had rusty spring. Makes sense. Dealer mentioned poo had a bad batch of bellows and he wont have any in stock until late next week. "Dealer B" has one (bellow) but says not covered under factory warranty? what gives with that?

Usually I'd have torn it apart by now but $10,000 machine still under warranty shouldn't have to turn a wrench right?

At least it sounds like an easy fix.


New member
pull the cap off that valve and clean it out, most likely you need to replace the spring, because it will be rusted and weak from the moisture that got in there. usually happens when you wash the sled to put away for the summer, and didn;t cover the holes, or run it enough to get the water out


Active member
Common problem with IQs. What is most likely happening is there is a hole or vent in the hood, right above that exhaust valve. Snow gets on the hood and melts, water drips down right on top of the valve. Then running the engine spits the dirty water out.

I havent heard of anyone having to replace the spring because of it rusting, but you never know. I would doubt your bellow is torn already, but ya never know. Might as well check it if your gonna take it all apart. If the bellow is torn, you will notice a WOT RPM drop, and the sled will be noticeably slower. If the sled is normal, tape or silicone the hole and run it.

Actually IIRC if the bellow is torn, usually there is some oil type sludge that comes out the top of that valve.


New member
It was just a rusty/broken spring, Wally was right on. Here's an idea: polaris spends an extra 50cents and installs stainless...

Lesson learned: Dont put away wet, cover holes when washing.

Thanks for your help guys!