600 etec or 800 etec


New member
Looking for the pros and cons for these engines. I am going to buy a renegade but I would like some info from the experts (that's you guys). I love playing in the deep snow, I just don't see it very often. I don't care about top end speed I just want something reliable that's not going to cost me later and I plan on keeping this sled for many years.

Ready, Set, Post
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Well-known member
Both great 2s engines go with 800 since keeping for many years & have plenty of power. 600 due for an update soon.


New member
I don't have the 600etec but a 600sdi which is very similar in power. I also own an 800etec. The 800 is a much, much stronger motor. The 600 is just fine for power until you get in the deep snow. It does OK but one of the reasons I switched to the 800 was for better performance in deep snow. So far I have had good luck with the 800etec over 2500 miles.


Active member
lppez11j, what are you riding now, I went from a 02 legend 700 to a 08 GSX500SS ( I know it wasn't an Etec or a renegade ). The sled was great handlng trail sled but spped was low 90's, I missed the power of the 700, all it took was a ride on my buddies to 09 800r Renegade and the GSX was gone after two seasons, The power of the 800 and the ride of renegade sold me immediatley. I bought a 2011 800 Etec renegade and you couldn't wipe the smile off my face last year. :)


The choice between the 600 e-tec or 800 e-tec really depends on your riding style. Both are excellent for the trails. Both get good mileage and the 600 especially uses very little oil. I went from a 600 carb to an 800 etec because I make a trip to the mountains every year and wanted more power than the 600. I know a few guys with the 600 e-tecs and they love them. My nephew has an 09 Renegade 600 e-tec which he beats hard and it has 3500 flawless miles on it so far. He actually does pretty good in the mountains with that sled too, but not like the 800. If you like lots of power, go with the 800 otherwise you will be just fine with the 600.
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I bought a leftover 2011 Renegade BC 800 e-tec and rode for the first time on Wednesday and love it so far. I only put 140 miles on but the sled ran great even in breakin mode, the suspension performed awesome. I was riding a 06 crossfire 700 which was a really good sled. So far I like the ride of the skidoo better and the upgrade in power is noticable, especially between 60-90 mph when it takes off like a rocket. Ofcourse I only got it to about 3/4 throttle because I'm still breaking it in. With the 800 you always have the power in the deep snow if you need it.


New member
I have a 2009 renegade with 600 etech and 5000 miles.
Motor is plenty strong and rides great on and off trail.

I test rode an 800 etech and it was too fast (yes I am ready for the shots)!!
In the trails you will probably never get past half throttle. I can see that in the deep snow, the extra power would be fun, but for the trail riding, 600 is plenty.


1200 4 Tec in the XR Chassis is worth looking at. Our whole group has gone that way and will never go back. I liked my 600 E Tek but the 1200 has a little more power and is a little quieter.

I do not trust the 800 yet.


Well-known member
1200 4 Tec in the XR Chassis is worth looking at. Our whole group has gone that way and will never go back. I liked my 600 E Tek but the 1200 has a little more power and is a little quieter.

I do not trust the 800 yet.

This is correct but did not go there since you seem to be a 2s guy. If open to 4s the engine will last a lot longer & tons of broad power. The 1200 would be my choice too.


If you want to go in deap Snow my Son has a 164" Turbo Yamaha 4 stroke that will go in deaper Snow than his old 600 renegade with a Paddle Track and its very heavy.

It doesn't matter what you buy, someone will have something better.

I will go anywhere I want to go with my Grandtouring 4 Stroke. It has more torque than a 600 ETek and thats what counts if your out west. Around here it doesn't matter. Its just a little harder to get out when stuck. If your off Trail, carry a Shovel.


Well-known member
If the deep is what you want then 800etek if trail & deep 1200 4s has both power & bullet proof engine... 2s not so much but lighter.
I love my 600 etec gade. The engine is awesome. For deep snow the rider is the biggest limiting factor not the engine.For deep snow and steep inclines then yes the 800 has a big advantage.You said you don't care about top end, then go with the 600, its more reliable, awesome gas milage and its cheaper.


New member
I have the 600 sdi renagade and an 800 carb summit -
I would stay with a 600 if you ride in the midwest -

but if you plan on going out west even once a year I would get the 800 for sure-
you will lose about 30 % of your power at high elevation with a 2 stroke
good luck!


New member
my favorite riding is the woods of the UP . I feel like I have more control and hit less trees on the 600!! and it has plenty of power -when I do get stuck (daily) it is not a sled power problem -it is driver problem!
the 800 seems to get away from me with all that power in the woods - I geared it taller and that helped - my riding buddy has a 600 sdi summit and that seems ideal for the UP woods (or any later model 600 mountain)
but again if you going out west - hands down -get the 800-
have a great ride!!