65 degrees for opener?


can anyone else remember the last time it was 65 for opener? (shotgun here in MN that is)

I think there was a time i was in short sleeves, but that was when i used to walk alot. I dont think i've ever been in a stand in a t-shirt...that may happen as i face the south all day.

time to break out the swim trunks and pine scented SPF 45!


New member
Good Luck today you all. I'm excited too! Leaving tomorrow for the Great White North to hunt on my brother's 300 acres on western Manitoulin Island. Rifle season opens Mon 11/16. Rut getting strong here in NW Ohio, should be great up there!
I remember an opener in Mich I think '90 or '91 when it was around 75-80 deg. Sitting in my blind in sweat pants and short sleeved shirt hoping not to see a buck because I didn't want to sweat my arse off dragging it out of the woods.