95 xcr troubleshooting


New member
hi, i picked up a 95 xcr not too long ago and ive been having some issues with it. it has a 600 tripple out of what im guessing is a 97 or 98 xlt based on how the head is set up in it and while i guess it was running as of last season till it just died on trail. ive been having trouble getting it to run. at first one of the spark plug boots was broken and not enough connection was being made for one cylinder to spark. i finally got around to replacing all the spark plug cables and i now have no spark at all in any of the three cylinders. does anyone have any ideas as to what is causing this?

D.B. Cooper

Active member
hi, i picked up a 95 xcr not too long ago and ive been having some issues with it. it has a 600 tripple out of what im guessing is a 97 or 98 xlt based on how the head is set up in it and while i guess it was running as of last season till it just died on trail. ive been having trouble getting it to run. at first one of the spark plug boots was broken and not enough connection was being made for one cylinder to spark. i finally got around to replacing all the spark plug cables and i now have no spark at all in any of the three cylinders. does anyone have any ideas as to what is causing this?

1) UNPLUG the following:

a) the handlebar switch,

b) throttle switch and

c) key switch to eliminate all of those 3 possibilities.

2) If you still don't have spark, it's probably one of the 2 coils behind the flywheel


Unplug the big white (and only the big white) plug down by the recoil, the one with yellow wires in it.

If you then have spark it's a problem with the wiring on the sled. If you still don't have spark it's "probably" a problem with one of the ignition components.

All of the ignition components can be tested with a simple OHM meter except for the CDI box. If you need the information on testing the ignition components let me know.