95 xlt special ?


Looking at a 95 polaris 600 W/xtra 12 suspension any opinions on this set up, more looking at how well this suspension works as far as ride and adjustabilty i know all about the engine and its bearing issues, may just ride or may swap skid & front end into 94 storm for the extra suspension travel.


New member
The xtra12 is decent. I don't think it's all that much different/better than the xtra10/standard suspension of those days.
Not trying to be a jerk and I understand everyone is in a different situation- but that is a 15+ yr old machine. More importantly, it's 15+ yr old technology. I would think you could pick up an early edition REV or other rider forward sled for not much more than whatever they're asking for the XLT. If you look around, I would think you could find a decent one fairly cheap. I sold my 04 800 edge (that I loved, and still do) for an IQ. I had no issues with my old sled, but you just can't compare the ride and handling of the old setup to the new. At the time, the edge was supposed to be the dream ride. It's archaic to what's out there now. It's like night and day.


I understand its 15yr old tech vs newer thats not my concern & we do have a few newer polaris edge chassis sleds also, ride is nite and day,but i do like the torque of the old tripples. that said i'm just looking for opinions/comments on xtra 12 set up. not sure how many riders here actually work on & understand the mechanicals of there rides, myself like to know how & why & what if ?