97 ZR580 bogging?


New member
Hey y'all

I've got a '97 ZR580 (arctic cat) that won't go past 7,000 RPM. I'm not sure where to start but here's what I have done so far to try to help somebody that is more mechanical then me. I took off one side of the cap off the sparky while it ran-while sitting down and looking at the engine the left one it still ran but when did the same thing the right side it died right away. What are some possible problems that is causing this? I did check to see if both are spark'n and they do, but to me looked like the right side is weaker.


Active member
Are you having performance problems where it sounds terrible and you cant even ride it or does it seem to run ok and when driving wont go over 7000 rpm? If its the latter then I would suspect clutching. If its poor performance then I would suspect a weak coil. Check spark plug color on both. They should both be tan colored if they are firing correctly.


New member
it sounds ok while idle, and when taking an easy. But when you get going and hit the throttle, also does not go faster then 50mph (basically 7,000 RPM). After talking to a few people they are thinking a clutch problem as well.


Id get a good look at the clutches. Might just be that you need to replace the rollers and get it cleaned up.