98 Skidoo GrandTouring running poor

So a friend of mine has this 98 Grand Touring 583 liquid which he lives up near Rose city MI. Any way 2 weeks ago we were up there and He said the old dog just isn't running proper, so I jump on and He's right, she just wants to bog out when giving her the throttle and it even started to run on one cylinder once I got it 30mph but if you let off the throttle and feather it, it would run but with no power.The machine idles perfect. Did all the basics, changed plugs, pulled the air box off, felt the exhast outlet for good flow, pulled off the primer lines to the carbs, compression good and it still has no power. He actually rode this machine the weekend before and put 40 miles on it this way, so I don't think He has a crank seal leak or she would have burned down. Anyway The more throttle you give it the more bogging you get, So I said lets pull the carbs and we did, carbs clean as a whistle. So I get home to Ohio and send him up a used ignition coil, He installs it and no change. My question is has anybody ever had a CDI box work that would not advance the timing because that what she acts like. I have been to Doo talk and don't find anything to help. Or does anyone have any other ideas. Thanks Todd


Did you try pulling on the enricher and/or priming it a Little while it is bogging?

If it runs better it is lean.


New member
Pull the plugs and check the color, I'm betting one will look normal and the other very lean.....blocked jet or other carb problem making it run on one cylinder.....