99 ZR600 Helix/clutching?


New member
Well I posted a few weeks back about getting a clutch issue taken care of, one thing I didnt know was about secondarys. My GF's uncle is helping me on this and he said I have to know what helix Im running to set up the whole clutch system correctly. So, I checked it out and 60 52 is stamped on the helix. Heres where I need help......what does that mean? How does it effect my set up? What is a good set up?


The numbers on the Helix are the angle of the helix. Starts at 60 ends up at 52. Leave the clutching to the people that have done all of the R&D. Buy an Erlandson clutch kit. You will get weights, primary spring, helix, and secondary spring. These will all work togeather and you will be amazed at how well your sled will perform.